Birds - Hawks and Owls / birds
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illinois birding network


go to your states wildlife conservation for a list of birds in your area and birdhouse plans.
The entry holes, inside space, and location will vary by species.
Box styles, vents, and roof design can be all the same pattern.
3/4 thick wood is best; thin plastic and metal will overheat.
Stain or paint only the outside in earth colors.
Predators are a problem - cats, snakes, birds.
All birdhouses need to open for cleaning out after nesting.


Hawks and Owls of Illinois

Family Cathartidae
Coragyps altratus - Black Vulture *
Cathartes aura - Turkey Vulture *

Order Falconiformes - Family Accipitridae - Sub-family Pandioninae

Pandion haliaetus - Osprey SE *
Sub-family Accipitrinae

Elanoides forficatus - Swallow-tailed Kite
(Elanus leucurus - White-tailed (Black-shouldered) Kite)
Ictina mississippiensis - Mississippi Kite SE *

Haliaeetus leucocephalus - Bald Eagle ST FT *

Circus cyaneus - Northern Harrier SE *
Accipiter striatus - Sharp-shinned Hawk *
Accipiter cooperii - Cooper's Hawk *

Accipiter gentilis - Northern Goshawk

Buteo lineatus - Red-shouldered Hawk *
Buteo platypterus - Broad-winged Hawk *
Buteo swainsoni - Swainson's Hawk SE *
Buteo jamaicensis - Red-tailed Hawk *

Buteo regalis - Ferruginous Hawk
Buteo lagopus - Rough-legged Hawk
Aquila chrysaetos - Golden Eagle

Family Falconidae - Sub-family Falconinae
Falco sparverius - American Kestrel *

Falco columbarius - Merlin
Falco rusticolus - Gyrfalcon

Falco peregrinus - Peregrine Falcon ST X, but reintroduced *

Falco mexicanus - Prairie Falcon
Order Strigiformes - Family Tytonidae

Tyto alba - (Common) Barn-owl SE *

Family Strigidae
Megascops asio - Eastern Screech-owl *
Bubo virginianus - Great Horned Owl *

Bubo scandiaca - Snowy Owl
Surina ulula - Northern Hawk-owl
Athene cunicularia - Burrowing Owl

Strix varia - Barred Owl *

Asio otus - Long-eared Owl *
Asio flammeus - Short-eared Owl SE *

Aegolius funereus - Boreal Owl

Aegolius acadicus - Northern Saw-whet Owl *
(†) = Extinct
FE = Federally Endangered
FT = Federally Threatened
X = Extirpated from Illinois
SE = Illinois State Endangered
ST = Illinois State Threatened
WL = Illinois Watch List
( ) = Very Rare Vagrant
* = Confirmed Breeding in Illinois
I = Introduced

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